Business Visa In Dubai Business Set Up In Dubai

Local Sponsorship In Dubai : Sponsor Visa Dubai

Suppose you are setting up in Dubai or any other part of the UAE mainland for the following industries: In that case, you will require a local sponsor, including a sponsor visa Dubai, to establish your business there.

  • Oil exploration and production

  • Banking, financing and insurance activities

  • Water and electricity provision

  • Sponsor Visa Dubai for Your Spouse

  • Road and air transport

In the United Arab Emirates, a local sponsor is essential to the establishment of a firm for overseas investors, including sponsor visa Dubai. Acting as a liaison between the foreign investor and the local regulatory framework, the sponsor holds a 51% ownership stake in the UAE business. Despite this majority ownership, the sponsor’s role is mainly passive, devoid of decision-making authority or involvement in day-to-day operations. Instead, they serve as a conduit for navigating the UAE’s intricate legal and administrative landscape.

It’s important to note that while the sponsor holds the majority stake, they do not claim 51% of the profits. Instead, they are compensated through an annual fee for the facilitation services provided by the sponsorship company. This arrangement allows foreign investors to maintain operational autonomy and strategic business control while adhering to local ownership regulations. Sponsors in the UAE can be individuals or corporate entities, offering flexibility in the choice of partnership structure. While specific industries may require mandatory sponsorship, such as those related to real estate, trading, and professional services, other sectors may allow for 100% foreign ownership.

We stand for quality, safety, and credibility so you can trust us fully regarding city government regulations and our working process, including sponsor visa Dubai.

Finding a local sponsor in Dubai, including a sponsor visa Dubai, is a crucial step in establishing your business. Like any vital business decision, finding and appointing a local sponsor should not be taken lightly. While not a traditional business partner, you must have a strong and trusting relationship with your sponsor. For this reason, it can be challenging for entrepreneurs new to the UAE to be sure they have found the right match. That’s why the best way to find a local sponsor is to work with an expert such as Business Incorporation Zone (BIZ), offering local sponsorship services in Dubai. We can help you find a trusted sponsor, giving you peace of mind that your business is always in safe hands.

That’s why the best way to find a local sponsor is to work with an expert such as Business Incorporation Zone (BIZ). We can help you find a trusted sponsor, giving you peace of mind that your business is always in safe hands.

Local Sponsorship In Dubai Process

  • Select
    Local Sponsorship

  • Fill
    Online Form

  • Submit

  • Local Sponsorship

  • Local Sponsorship